The Whole Shmear |
Abish | Walter | How German is It? | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1981) |
Achebe | Chinua | Things Fall Apart | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (21) |
Adams | Douglas | The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (51) |
Adams | Douglas | A Hithchiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (37) |
Adams | Richard | Watership Down | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (79) |
Aeschylus | (c.525-456 B.C.) | Tragedies | Western Canon (Adler) |
Agee | James | A Death in the Family | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1958) |
Algren | Nelson | The Man with the Golden Arm | National Book Award - Fiction (1950) |
Alighieri | Dante (1265-1321) | On Monarchy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Alighieri | Dante (1265-1321) | The Divine Comedy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Alighieri | Dante (1265-1321) | The New Life | Western Canon (Adler) |
Amis | Kingsley | The Old Devils | Fiction-Booker Prize (1986) |
Anderson | Sherwood | Winesburg, Ohio | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (24) |
Apollonius of Perga | (fl.c.240 B.C.) | Conic Sections | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aquinas | St. (c.1225-1274) | Summa Theologica | Western Canon (Adler) |
Archimedes | (c.287-212 B.C.) | On Floating Bodies | Western Canon (Adler) |
Archimedes | (c.287-212 B.C.) | On the Equilibrium of Planes | Western Canon (Adler) |
Archimedes | (c.287-212 B.C.) | The Sand-Reckoner | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristophanes | (c.448-380 B.C.) | Comedies | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristophanes | (c.448-380 B.C.) | The Birds | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristophanes | (c.448-380 B.C.) | The Clouds | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristophanes | (c.448-380 B.C.) | The Frogs | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | Metaphysics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | On the Soul | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | Organon | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | Physics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | Poetics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | Politics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | Rhetoric | Western Canon (Adler) |
Aristotle | (384-322 B.C.) | The Nicomachean Ethics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Atwood | Margaret | Oryx & Crake | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Atwood | Margaret | The Blind Assassin | Fiction-Booker Prize (2000) |
Atwood | Margaret | The Handmaid's Tale | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (53) |
Austen | Jane (1775-1817) | Emma | Western Canon (Adler) |
Austen | Jane (1775-1817) | Pride and Prejudice | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bach | Richard | Illusions | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (98) |
Bacon | Francis (1561-1626) | Advancement of Learning | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bacon | Francis (1561-1626) | Essays | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bacon | Francis (1561-1626) | New Atlantis | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bacon | Francis (1561-1626) | Novum Organum | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bainbridge | David | The X in Sex | Nonfiction - Science |
Baldwin | James | Go Tell It On The Mountain | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (39) |
Baldwin | James | Go Tell it on the Mountain | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (88) |
Balzac | Honoré (1799-1850) | Eugénie Grandet | Western Canon (Adler) |
Balzac | Honoré (1799-1850) | Père Goriot | Western Canon (Adler) |
Banville | John | The Sea | Fiction-Booker Prize (2005) |
Barker | Pat | The Ghost Road | Fiction-Booker Prize (1995) |
Barnes | Margaret Ayer | Years of Grace | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1931) |
Barrett | Andrea | Ship Fever and Other Stories | National Book Award - Fiction (1996) |
Barry | Max | Jennifer Government | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Barry | Rebecca | Later, At The Bar | Fiction - Short Stories |
Barth | John | Chimera | National Book Award - Fiction (1973) |
Baum | Frank L. | The Wonderful Wizard of Oz | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (67) |
Baxter | Steven | Evolution | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Beerbohm | Max | Zuleika Dobson | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (59) |
Bellow | Saul | Henderson The Rain King | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (21) |
Bellow | Saul | Herzog | National Book Award - Fiction (1965) |
Bellow | Saul | Humboldt's Gift | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1976) |
Bellow | Saul | Mr. Sammler's Planet | National Book Award - Fiction (1971) |
Bellow | Saul | The Adventures Of Augie March | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (81) |
Bellow | Saul | The Adventures of Augie March | National Book Award - Fiction (1954) |
Benioff | David | City of Thieves | Fiction - Contemporary |
Bennett | Arnold | The Old Wives' Tale | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (87) |
Bentham | Jeremy (1748-1832) | Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bentham | Jeremy (1748-1832) | Theory of Fictions | Western Canon (Adler) |
Berger | John | G | Fiction-Booker Prize (1972) |
Bergson | Henri (1859-1941) | Creative Evolution | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bergson | Henri (1859-1941) | Matter and Memory | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bergson | Henri (1859-1941) | The Two Sources of Morality and Religion | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bergson | Henri (1859-1941) | Time and Free Will | Western Canon (Adler) |
Berkeley | George (1685-1753) | Principles of Human Knowledge | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bernard | Claude (1813-1878) | Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine | Western Canon (Adler) |
Berriault | Gina | Women in Their Beds | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1997) |
Bissell | Tom | Chasing the Sea: Lost Among the Ghosts of Empire in Central Asia | Nonfiction - Travel |
Blechman | Andrew D | Leisureville | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Bohjalian | Chris | Skeletons at the Feast | Fiction - Contemporary |
Boswell | James (1740-1795) | Life of Samuel Johnson | Western Canon (Adler) |
Boswell | James (1740-1795) | Ll.D. | Western Canon (Adler) |
Boswell | James (1740-1795) | London Journal | Western Canon (Adler) |
Bowen | Elizabeth | The Death Of The Heart | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (84) |
Bowles | Paul | The Sheltering Sky | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (97) |
Bowles | Paul | The Sheltering Sky | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (92) |
Boyle | T. Coraghessan | World's End | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1988) |
Bradbury | Ray | Farenheit 451 | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (77) |
Bradbury | Ray | Something Wicked This Way Comes | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (65) |
Bradley | David | The Chaneysville Incident | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1982) |
Bromfield | Louis | Early Autumn | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1927) |
Bronson | Po | What Should I Do With My Life? | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Brookner | Anita | Hotel Du Lac | Fiction-Booker Prize (1984) |
Brooks | Geraldine | March | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2006) |
Brown | Danit | Ask for a Convertible | Fiction- SHort Stories |
Buck | Pearl S. | The Good Earth | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1932) |
Budday | Christopher | Boomsday | Fiction - Contemporary |
Burgess | Anthony | A Clockwork Orange | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (65) |
Burgess | Anthony | A Clockwork Orange | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (55) |
Burgess | Anthony | A Clockwork Orange | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (3) |
Burroughs | William S. | Naked Lunch | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (80) |
Burroughs | William S. | Naked Lunch | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (66) |
Butler | Robert Olen | A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1993) |
Butler | Samuel | The Way Of All Flesh | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (12) |
Byatt | A. S. | Possession | Fiction-Booker Prize (1990) |
Byron | George (1788-1824) | Don Juan | Western Canon (Adler) |
Cain | James M | The Postman Always Rings Twice | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (98) |
Caldwell | Erskine | Tobacco Road | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (91) |
Calvin | John (1509-1564) | Institutes of the Christian Religion | Western Canon (Adler) |
Capote | Truman | In Cold Blood | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (87) |
Card | Orson Scott | Ender's Game | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (59) |
Carey | Peter | Oscar and Lucinda | Fiction-Booker Prize (1988) |
Carey | Peter | True History of the Kelly Gang | Fiction-Booker Prize (2001) |
Casey | John | Spartina | National Book Award - Fiction (1989) |
Cathcart | Thomas | Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar... | Nonfiction - Philosophy |
Cather | Willa | Death Comes For The Archbishop | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (61) |
Cather | Willa | My Antonia | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (94) |
Cather | Willa | One of Ours | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1923) |
Cather | Willa | Death Comes for the Archbishop | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (75) |
Cather | Willa | My Antonia | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (90) |
Cather | Willa | O Pioneers! | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (91) |
Cervantes | Miguel (1547-1616) | Don Quixote | Western Canon (Adler) |
Chabon | Michael | The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2001) |
Chapman | Gary | The Five Love Languages | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Chaucer | Geoffrey (c.1340-1400) | The Canterbury Tales | Western Canon (Adler) |
Chaucer | Geoffrey (c.1340-1400) | Troilus and Criseyde | Western Canon (Adler) |
Cheever | John | The Stories of John Cheever | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1979) |
Cheever | John | The Wapshot Chronicle | National Book Award - Fiction (1958) |
Cheever | John | The Wapshot Chronicles | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (63) |
Chopin | Kate | The Awakening | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (7) |
Christensen | Kate | The Great Man | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2008) |
Cicero | (106-43 B.C.) | On Friendship | Western Canon (Adler) |
Cicero | (106-43 B.C.) | On Old Age | Western Canon (Adler) |
Cicero | (106-43 B.C.) | Orations | Western Canon (Adler) |
Clancy | Tom | The Hunt For Red October | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (81) |
Coetzee | J. M. | Life and Times of Michael K. | Fiction-Booker Prize (1983) |
Coetzee | J.M. | Disgrace | Fiction-Booker Prize (1999) |
Coleridge | Samuel (1772-1834) | Biographia Literaria | Western Canon (Adler) |
Coleridge | Samuel (1772-1834) | Kubla Khan | Western Canon (Adler) |
Coleridge | Samuel (1772-1834) | Poems | Western Canon (Adler) |
Coleridge | Samuel (1772-1834) | Rime of the Ancient Mariner | Western Canon (Adler) |
Comte | Auguste (1798-1857) | The Positive Philosophy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Congreve | William (1670-1729) | The Way of the World | Western Canon (Adler) |
Conrad | Joseph | Heart Of Darkness | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (67) |
Conrad | Joseph | Heart Of Darkness | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (43) |
Conrad | Joseph | Lord Jim | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (85) |
Conrad | Joseph | Nostromo | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (47) |
Conrad | Joseph | The Secret Agent | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (46) |
Conrad | Joseph | Heart of Darkness | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (23) |
Conrad | Joseph | Lord Jim | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (25) |
Copernicus | Nicolaus (1473-1543) | On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres | Western Canon (Adler) |
Cozzens | James Gould | Guard of Honor | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1949) |
Crace | Jim | The Pesthouse | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Cunningham | Michael | The Hours | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1999) |
Cunningham | Michael | The Hours | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1999) |
da Vinci | Leonardo (1452-1519) | Notebooks | Western Canon (Adler) |
Darwin | Charles (1809-1882) | Autobiography | Western Canon (Adler) |
Darwin | Charles (1809-1882) | The Descent of Man | Western Canon (Adler) |
Darwin | Charles (1809-1882) | The Origin of Species | Western Canon (Adler) |
Davies | Robertson | Fifth Business | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (40) |
Davies | Robertson | The Cunning Man | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (99) |
Davis | Harold L. | Honey in the Horn | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1936) |
de Lint | Charles | Greenmantle | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (58) |
de Lint | Charles | Memory And Dream | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (47) |
de Lint | Charles | Moonheart | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (35) |
de Lint | Charles | Mulengro | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (95) |
de Lint | Charles | Someplace To Be Flying | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (41) |
de Lint | Charles | The Little Country | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (60) |
de Lint | Charles | Trader | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (50) |
de Lint | Charles | Yarrow | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (44) |
Defoe | Daniel (1660-1731) | Robinson Crusoe | Western Canon (Adler) |
Delaney | Bob | Covert: My Years Infiltrating the Mob | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Delany | Samuel | Aye, And Gomorrah | Fiction - Science Fiction |
DeLillo | Don | Mao II | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1992) |
DeLillo | Don | White Noise | National Book Award - Fiction (1985) |
DeLillo | Don | White Noise | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (1) |
Desai | Kiran | The Inheritance of Loss | Fiction-Booker Prize (2006) |
Descartes | Rene (1596-1650) | Discourse on the Method | Western Canon (Adler) |
Descartes | Rene (1596-1650) | Geometry | Western Canon (Adler) |
Descartes | Rene (1596-1650) | Meditations on First Philosophy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Descartes | Rene (1596-1650) | Rules for the Direction of the Mind | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dewey | John (1859-1952) | Democracy and Education | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dewey | John (1859-1952) | Experience and Nature | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dewey | John (1859-1952) | How We Think | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dewey | John (1859-1952) | Logic, the Theory of Inquiry | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dexter | Pete | Paris Trout | National Book Award - Fiction (1988) |
Diaz | Junot | The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2008) |
Dickens | Charles (1812-1870) | David Copperfield | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dickens | Charles (1812-1870) | Hard Times | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dickens | Charles (1812-1870) | Pickwick Papers | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dickey | James | Deliverance | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (42) |
Doctorow | E.L. | Billy Bathgate | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1990) |
Doctorow | E.L. | Ragtime | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (86) |
Doctorow | E.L. | The March | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2006) |
Doctorow | E.L. | World's Fair | National Book Award - Fiction (1986) |
Donleavy | J.P. | The Ginger Man | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (99) |
Dos Passos | John | U.S.A. (Trilogy) | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (23) |
Dostoevsky | Fyodor (1821-1881) | Crime and Punishment | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dostoevsky | Fyodor (1821-1881) | The Brothers Karamazov | Western Canon (Adler) |
Dostoevsky | Fyodor (1821-1881) | The Idiot | Western Canon (Adler) |
Doyle | Roddy | Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha | Fiction-Booker Prize (1993) |
Dreiser | Theodore | An American Tragedy | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (16) |
Dreiser | Theodore | Sister Carrie | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (33) |
Dreiser | Theodore | An American Tragedy | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (73) |
Drury | Allen | Advise and Consent | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1960) |
du Maurier | Daphne | Rebecca | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (84) |
Durell | Lawrence | The Alexandria Quartet | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (70) |
Eddison | E.R. | The Worm Ouroboros | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (32) |
Ehrenriech | Barbara | Nickel and Dimed | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Einstein | Albert | The World As I See It | Nonfiction - Philosophy |
Einstein | Albert (1879-1955) | On the Method of Theoretical Physics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Einstein | Albert (1879-1955) | The Evolution of Physics (with L. Infeld) | Western Canon (Adler) |
Einstein | Albert (1879-1955) | The Meaning of Relativity | Western Canon (Adler) |
Eliot | George (1819-1880) | Adam Bede | Western Canon (Adler) |
Eliot | George (1819-1880) | Middlemarch | Western Canon (Adler) |
Ellen | Glasgow | In This Our Life | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1942) |
Ellison | Ralph | Invisible Man | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (19) |
Ellison | Ralph | Invisible Man | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (69) |
Ellison | Ralph | Invisible Man | National Book Award - Fiction (1953) |
Ellison | Ralph | Invisible Man | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (69) |
Emerson | Ralph (1803-1882) | Essays | Western Canon (Adler) |
Emerson | Ralph (1803-1882) | Journal | Western Canon (Adler) |
Emerson | Ralph (1803-1882) | Representative Men | Western Canon (Adler) |
Enright | Anne | The Gathering | Fiction-Booker Prize (2007) |
Epictetus | (c.60-120) | Discourses | Western Canon (Adler) |
Epictetus | (c.60-120) | Encheiridion (Handbook0 | Western Canon (Adler) |
Epicurus | (c.341-270 B.C.) | Letter to Herodotus | Western Canon (Adler) |
Epicurus | (c.341-270 B.C.) | Letter to Menoeceus | Western Canon (Adler) |
Erasmus | Desiderius (c.1469-1536) | The Praise of Folly | Western Canon (Adler) |
Euclid | (fl.c. 300 B.C.) | Elements | Western Canon (Adler) |
Eugenides | Jeffrey | Middlesex | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2003) |
Euripides | (c.485-406 B.C.) | Hippolytus | Western Canon (Adler) |
Euripides | (c.485-406 B.C.) | Medea | Western Canon (Adler) |
Euripides | (c.485-406 B.C.) | The Bacchae | Western Canon (Adler) |
Evans | Chris | A Darkness Forged in Fire | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Faraday | Michael (1791-1867) | Chemical History of a Candle | Western Canon (Adler) |
Faraday | Michael (1791-1867) | Experimental Researches in Electricity | Western Canon (Adler) |
Farrell | J. G. | Siege of Krishnapur | Fiction-Booker Prize (1973) |
Farrell | James T. | The Studs Lonigan Trilogy | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (29) |
Faulkner | William | A Fable | National Book Award - Fiction (1955) |
Faulkner | William | A Fable | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1955) |
Faulkner | William | Absalom Absalom! | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (83) |
Faulkner | William | Absalom, Absalom! | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (36) |
Faulkner | William | As I Lay Dying | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (35) |
Faulkner | William | As I Lay Dying | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (67) |
Faulkner | William | Light In August | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (54) |
Faulkner | William | Light In August | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (89) |
Faulkner | William | The Collected Stories | National Book Award - Fiction (1951) |
Faulkner | William | The Reivers | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1963) |
Faulkner | William | The Sound And The Fury | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (6) |
Faulkner | William | The Sound And The Fury | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (33) |
Faulkner | William | As I Lay Dying | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (77) |
Faulkner | William | Light in August | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (13) |
Faulkner | William | The Sound and the Fury | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (65) |
Ferber | Edna | So Big | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1925) |
Fielding | Henry (1707-1754) | Joseph Andrews | Western Canon (Adler) |
Fielding | Henry (1707-1754) | Tom Jones | Western Canon (Adler) |
Fisher | Karen | A Sudden Country | Fiction - Contemporary |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | Tender Is The Night | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (28) |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | The Great Gatsby | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (2) |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | The Great Gatsby | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (13) |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | Tender is the Night | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (48) |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | The Beautiful and the Damned | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (38) |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | This Side of Paradise | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (5) |
Fitzgerald | F. Scott | The Great Gatsby | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (97) |
Flaubert | Gustave (1821-1880) | Madame Bovary | Western Canon (Adler) |
Flaubert | Gustave (1821-1880) | Three Stories | Western Canon (Adler) |
Flavin | Martin | Journey in the Dark | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1944) |
Ford | Ford Madox | Parade's End | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (57) |
Ford | Ford Madox | The Good Soldier | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (30) |
Ford | Richard | Independence Day | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1996) |
Ford | Richard | Independence Day | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1996) |
Forster | E.M. | A Passage To India | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (25) |
Forster | E.M. | A Room With A View | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (79) |
Forster | E.M. | Howards End | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (38) |
Forster | E.M. | A Room with a View | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (55) |
Forster | E.M. | Howard's End | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (43) |
Forster | EM | Passage to India | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (99) |
Forster | EM | Where Angels Fear to Tread | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (96) |
Fourier | Jean (1768-1830) | Analytical Theory of Heat | Western Canon (Adler) |
Fowles | John | The French Lieutenant's Woman | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (30) |
Fowles | John | The Magus | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (93) |
Fowles | John | The Magus | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (71) |
Fowles | John | The French Lieutenant's Woman | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (12) |
Franzen | Jonathan | The Corrections | National Book Award - Fiction (2001) |
Frazier | Charles | Cold Mountain | National Book Award - Fiction (1997) |
Fremont | JC | Report of the Exploring Expedition | Nonfiction - History |
Freud | Sigmund (1856-1939) | Civilization and Its Discontents | Western Canon (Adler) |
Freud | Sigmund (1856-1939) | Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis | Western Canon (Adler) |
Freud | Sigmund (1856-1939) | New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis | Western Canon (Adler) |
Freud | Sigmund (1856-1939) | The Interpretation of Dreams | Western Canon (Adler) |
Fukuyama | Francis | Our Posthuman Future | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Gaddis | William | A Frolic of his Own | National Book Award - Fiction (1994) |
Gaddis | William | JR | National Book Award - Fiction (1976) |
Gaddis | William | The Recognitions | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (61) |
Galen | (c. 130-200) | On the Natural Faculties | Western Canon (Adler) |
Galilei | Galileo (1564-1642) | Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences | Western Canon (Adler) |
Galilei | Galileo (1564-1642) | The Starry Messenger | Western Canon (Adler) |
Gibbon | Edward (1737-1794) | Autobiography | Western Canon (Adler) |
Gibbon | Edward (1737-1794) | The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire | Western Canon (Adler) |
Gigerenzer | Gerd | Simple Heristics That Make Us Smart | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Gilbert | William (1540-1603) | On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies | Western Canon (Adler) |
Gilchrist | Ellen | Victory over Japan | National Book Award - Fiction (1984) |
Gladwell | Malcolm | Blink | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Glass | Julia | Three Junes | National Book Award - Fiction (2002) |
Goethe | Johann (1749-1832) | Faust | Western Canon (Adler) |
Goethe | Johann (1749-1832) | Poetry and Truth | Western Canon (Adler) |
Golding | William | Lord Of The Flies | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (41) |
Golding | William | Lord Of The Flies | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (25) |
Golding | William | Rites of Passage | Fiction-Booker Prize (1980) |
Golding | William | The Lord of the Flies | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (15) |
Gordimer | Nadine | The Conversationalist | Fiction-Booker Prize (1975) |
Gosselin | Peter | High Wire: The Precarious Financial Lives Of American Families | Nonfiction - Economics |
Grahame | Kenneth | The Wind in the Willows | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (8) |
Grau | Shirley Ann | The Keepers of the House | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1965) |
Graves | Robert | I, Claudius | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (14) |
Graves | Robert | I, Claudius | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (74) |
Green | Henry | Loving | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (89) |
Greene | Graham | The Heart Of The Matter | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (40) |
Gruen | Sara | Water for Elephants | Fiction - Contemporary |
Guterson | David | Snow Falling on Cedars | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1995) |
Guterson | David | The Other | Fiction - Contemporary |
Guthrie Jr. | A. B | The Way West. | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1950) |
Hamilton | Laurell K. | Guilty Pleasures | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (82) |
Hammett | Dashiell | The Maltese Falcon | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (56) |
Hammett | Dashiell | The Maltese Falcon | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (40) |
Harrison | M. John | Things That Never Happen | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Harvey | William (1578-1657) | On the Circulation of the Blood | Western Canon (Adler) |
Harvey | William (1578-1657) | On the Generation of Animals | Western Canon (Adler) |
Harvey | William (1578-1657) | On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hawthorne | Nathaniel (1804-1864) | The Scarlet Letter | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hayslip | Le Ly | When Heaven and Earth Changed Places | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Hazzard | Shirley | The Great Fire | National Book Award - Fiction (2003) |
Hegel | Georg (1770-1831) | Lectures on the Philosophy of History | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hegel | Georg (1770-1831) | Phenomenology of Spirit | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hegel | Georg (1770-1831) | Philosophy of Right | Western Canon (Adler) |
Heinemann | Larry | Paco's Story | National Book Award - Fiction (1987) |
Heinlein | Robert | Citizen Of The Galaxy | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (87) |
Heinlein | Robert | Double Star | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (86) |
Heinlein | Robert | Starship Troopers | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (62) |
Heinlein | Robert | Stranger In A Strange Land | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (16) |
Heinlein | Robert | The Door Into Summer | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (72) |
Heinlein | Robert | The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (15) |
Heinlein | Robert | The Puppet Masters | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (83) |
Heller | Joseph | Catch-22 | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (7) |
Heller | Joseph | Catch-22 | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (12) |
Heller | Joseph | Catch-22 | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (51) |
Hemingway | Ernest | A Farewell To Arms | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (74) |
Hemingway | Ernest | A Farewell To Arms | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (91) |
Hemingway | Ernest | The Old Man and the Sea | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1953) |
Hemingway | Ernest | The Sun Also Rises | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (45) |
Hemingway | Ernest | The Sun Also Rises | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (63) |
Hemingway | Ernest | A Farewell to Arms | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (93) |
Hemingway | Ernest | For Whom the Bell Tolls | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (95) |
Hemingway | Ernest | In Our Time | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (18) |
Hemingway | Ernest | The Old Man and the Sea | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (26) |
Hemingway | Ernest | The Sun Also Rises | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (11) |
Herbert | Frank | Dune | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (14) |
Herodotus | (c.484-425 B.C.) | History | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hersey | John | A Bell for Adano | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1945) |
Hijuelos | Oscar | The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1990) |
Hippocrates | (c.460-377? B.C.) | Medical Writings | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hobbes | Thomas (1588-1679) | The Leviathan | Western Canon (Adler) |
Holdstock | Robert | Mythago Wood | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (97) |
Hollinghurst | Alan | The Line of Beauty | Fiction-Booker Prize (2004) |
Homer | (9th Century B.C.?) | Iliad | Western Canon (Adler) |
Homer | (9th Century B.C.?) | Odyssey | Western Canon (Adler) |
Horace | (65-8 B.C.) | Odes and Epodes | Western Canon (Adler) |
Horace | (65-8 B.C.) | The Art of Poetry | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hubbard | L. Ron | Battlefield Earth | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (3) |
Hubbard | L. Ron | Fear | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (10) |
Hubbard | L. Ron | Mission Earth | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (9) |
Hughes | Richard | A High Wind In Jamaica | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (71) |
Hulme | Keri | Bone People | Fiction-Booker Prize (1985) |
Hume | David (1711-1776) | An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hume | David (1711-1776) | Essays Moral and Political | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hume | David (1711-1776) | Treatise on Human Nature | Western Canon (Adler) |
Hurston | Zora Neale | Their Eyes are Watching God | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (6) |
Huxley | Aldous | Brave New World | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (5) |
Huxley | Aldous | Brave New World | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (18) |
Huxley | Aldous | Point Counter Point | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (44) |
Huxley | Aldous | Brave New World | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (86) |
Huygens | Christiaan (1629-1695) | Treatise on Light | Western Canon (Adler) |
Iagnemma | Karl | On the Nature of Human Romantic Interaction | Fiction - Short Stories |
Ibsen | Henrik (1828-1906) | A Doll's House | Western Canon (Adler) |
Ibsen | Henrik (1828-1906) | Hedda Gabler | Western Canon (Adler) |
Ibsen | Henrik (1828-1906) | Plays | Western Canon (Adler) |
Ibsen | Henrik (1828-1906) | The Wild Duck | Western Canon (Adler) |
Irving | John | A Prayer For Owen Meany | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (28) |
Irving | John | The World According To Garp | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (64) |
Irving | John | The World According to Garp | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (81) |
Ishiguro | Kazuo | The Remains of the Day | Fiction-Booker Prize (1989) |
Jackson | Shirley | The Haunting Of Hill House | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (66) |
James | Henry | The Ambassadors | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (27) |
James | Henry | The Bostonians | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (57) |
James | Henry | The Golden Bowl | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (32) |
James | Henry | The Wings Of The Dove | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (26) |
James | Henry | Portrait of a Lady | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (74) |
James | Henry | The Wings of the Dove | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (9) |
James | Henry (1843-1916) | The Ambassadors | Western Canon (Adler) |
James | Henry (1843-1916) | The American | Western Canon (Adler) |
James | William (1842-1910) | Essays in Radical Empiricism | Western Canon (Adler) |
James | William (1842-1910) | Pragamatism | Western Canon (Adler) |
James | William (1842-1910) | The Principles of Psychology | Western Canon (Adler) |
James | William (1842-1910) | The Varieties of Religious Experience | Western Canon (Adler) |
Jay | John (1745-1829) | Federalist Papers | Western Canon (Adler) |
Jhabvala | Ruth Prower | Heat and Dust | Fiction-Booker Prize (1975) |
Jin | Ha | Waiting | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2000) |
Jin | Ha | Waiting | National Book Award - Fiction (1999) |
Jin | Ha | War Trash | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2005) |
Johnson | Charles | Middle Passage | National Book Award - Fiction (1990) |
Johnson | Josephine W. | Now in November | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1935) |
Johnson | Samuel (1709-1784) | Dictionary | Western Canon (Adler) |
Johnson | Samuel (1709-1784) | Rasselas | Western Canon (Adler) |
Johnson | Samuel (1709-1784) | The Lives of the Poetsthe essays on Milton and Pope | Western Canon (Adler) |
Johnson | Samuel (1709-1784) | The Vanity of Human Wishes | Western Canon (Adler) |
Johnson | Denis | Tree of Smoke | National Book Award - Fiction (2007) |
Jones | Edward P. | The Known World | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2004) |
Jones | James | From Here To Eternity | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (62) |
Jones | James | From Here to Eternity | National Book Award - Fiction (1952) |
Joyce | James | A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (3) |
Joyce | James | A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (57) |
Joyce | James | Finnegans Wake | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (77) |
Joyce | James | Ulysses | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (1) |
Joyce | James | Ulysses | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (11) |
Joyce | James | A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (30) |
Joyce | James | Finnegans Wake | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (98) |
Joyce | James | Ulysses | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (22) |
Joyce | James (1882-1941) | "The Dead" in Dubliners | Western Canon (Adler) |
Joyce | James (1882-1941) | Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | Western Canon (Adler) |
Joyce | James (1882-1941) | Ulysses | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kafka | Franz (1883-1924) | The Castle | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kafka | Franz (1883-1924) | The Trial | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kant | Immanuel (1724-1804) | Critique of Judgment | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kant | Immanuel (1724-1804) | Critique of Practical Reason | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kant | Immanuel (1724-1804) | Critique of Pure Reason | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kant | Immanuel (1724-1804) | Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kant | Immanuel (1724-1804) | Perpetual Peace | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kant | Immanuel (1724-1804) | The Science of Right | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kantor | MacKinlay | Andersonville | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1956) |
Kelman | James | How Little It Was, How Late | Fiction-Booker Prize (1994) |
Keneally | Thomas | Schindler's Ark | Fiction-Booker Prize (1982) |
Keneally | Thomas | Schindler's List | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (61) |
Kennedy | William | Ironweed | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (92) |
Kennedy | William | Ironweed | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1984) |
Kepler | Johannes (1571-1630) | Concerning the Harmonies of the World | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kepler | Johannes (1571-1630) | Epitome of Copernican Astronomy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Kerouac | Jack | On The Road | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (55) |
Kerouac | Jack | On The Road | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (42) |
Kerouac | Jack | On the Road | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (27) |
Kershaw | Ian | Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions that Changed the World | Nonfiction - History |
Kesey | Ken | One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (90) |
Kesey | Ken | Sometimes A Great Notion | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (93) |
Kesey | Ken | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (94) |
King | Stephen | It | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (84) |
King | Stephen | The Stand | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (29) |
Kingsolver | Barbara | Animal, Vegetable, Mineral | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Kipling | Rudyard | Kim | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (78) |
Kipling | Rudyard | Kim | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (24) |
Kirino | Natsuo | Real World | Fiction - Contemporary |
Knowles | John | A Separate Peace | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (49) |
Koestler | Arthur | Darkness At Noon | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (8) |
Kosinski | Jerzy | Steps | National Book Award - Fiction (1969) |
Krakauer | Jon | Into the Wild | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Krusoe | Jim | Girl Factory | Fiction - Contemporary |
Kunstler | James Howard | World Made By Hand | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Kushner | Rachel | Telex From Cuba | Fiction - Contemporary |
LaFarge | Oliver | Laughing Boy | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1930) |
Lahiri | Jhumpa | Interpreter of Maladies | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2000) |
Lavoisier | Antoine (1743-1794) | Elements of Chemistry | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lawrence | D.H. | Sons And Lovers | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (9) |
Lawrence | D.H. | The Rainbow | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (48) |
Lawrence | D.H. | Women In Love | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (49) |
Lawrence | D.H. | Lady Chatterley's Lover | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (53) |
Lawrence | D.H. | Sons and Lovers | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (63) |
Lawrence | D.H. | Women in Love | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (62) |
Lee | Harper | To Kill A Mockingbird | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (5) |
Lee | Harper | To Kill a Mockingbird | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1961) |
Lee | Harper | To Kill a Mockingbird | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (34) |
Legman | Gershon | No Laughing Matter | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Leibniz | Gottfried (1646-1716) | Discourse on Metaphysics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Leibniz | Gottfried (1646-1716) | Monadology | Western Canon (Adler) |
Leibniz | Gottfried (1646-1716) | New Essays Concerning Human Understanding | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lenin | Nikolai (1870-1924) | The State and Revolution | Western Canon (Adler) |
Levitin | Daniel J | This is Your Brain on Music | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Levitin | Daniel J | The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Levy | Ariel | Female Chauvinist Pigs | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Lewis | Sinclair | Arrowsmith | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (78) |
Lewis | Sinclair | Arrowsmith (refused prize) | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1926) |
Lewis | Sinclair | Main Street | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (68) |
Lewis | Sinclair | Babbitt | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (42) |
Lewis | Sinclair | Main Street | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (78) |
Lively | Penelope | Moon Tiger | Fiction-Booker Prize (1987) |
Livy | (59 B.C.-A.D. 17) | History of Rome | Western Canon (Adler) |
Locke | John (1632-1704) | "Of Civil Government" | Western Canon (Adler) |
Locke | John (1632-1704) | Essay Concerning Human Understanding | Western Canon (Adler) |
Locke | John (1632-1704) | Letter Concerning Toleration | Western Canon (Adler) |
Locke | John (1632-1704) | Thoughts Concerning Education | Western Canon (Adler) |
London | Jack | The Call Of The Wild | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (88) |
London | Jack | The Call Of The Wild | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (75) |
London | Jack | The Call of the Wild | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (19) |
Lovecraft | H.P. | At The Mountains Of Madness | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (45) |
Lowry | Malcolm | Under The Volcano | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (11) |
Lowry | Malcolm | Under The Volcano | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (39) |
Lucian | (c.120-c.190) | The Sale of Creeds | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lucian | (c.120-c.190) | The True History | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lucian | (c.120-c.190) | The True Way to Write History | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lucretius | (c.95-55 B.C.) | On the Nature of Things | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lurie | Alison | Foreign Affairs | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1985) |
Luther | Martin (1483-1546) | Table Talk | Western Canon (Adler) |
Luther | Martin (1483-1546) | Three Treatises | Western Canon (Adler) |
Lyell | Charles (1797-1875) | Principles of Geology | Western Canon (Adler) |
Machiavelli | Niccolò (1469-1527) | Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Machiavelli | Niccolò (1469-1527) | The Prince | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mackenzie | Alexander | Voyages From Montreal | Nonfiction - History |
Mailer | Norman | The Executioner's Song | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1980) |
Mailer | Norman | The Naked And The Dead | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (51) |
Mailer | Norman | The Naked and the Dead | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novel (100) |
Malamud | Bernard | The Fixer | National Book Award - Fiction (1967) |
Malamud | Bernard | The Fixer | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1967) |
Malamud | Bernard | The Magic Barrel | National Book Award - Fiction (1959) |
Mann | Charles | 1491 | Nonfiction - History |
Mann | Thomas (1875-1955) | Joseph and His Brothers | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mann | Thomas (1875-1955) | The Magic Mountain | Western Canon (Adler) |
Marcus Aurelius | (121-180) | Meditations | Western Canon (Adler) |
Maritain | Jacques (1882- ) | Art and Scholasticism | Western Canon (Adler) |
Maritain | Jacques (1882- ) | The Degrees of Knowledge | Western Canon (Adler) |
Maritain | Jacques (1882- ) | The Rights of Man and Natural Law | Western Canon (Adler) |
Maritain | Jacques (1882- ) | True Humanism | Western Canon (Adler) |
Marquand | John P. | The Late George Apley | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1938) |
Martel | Yann | Life of Pi | Fiction-Booker Prize (2002) |
Marx | Karl (1818-1883) | Capital | Western Canon (Adler) |
Maugham | Somerset | Of Human Bondage W. | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (37) |
Maugham | W. Somerset | Of Human Bondage | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (66) |
McCarthy | Cormac | All the Pretty Horses | National Book Award - Fiction (1992) |
McCarthy | Cormac | Blood Meridian | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (54) |
McCarthy | Cormac | Suttree | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (96) |
McCarthy | Cormac | The Road | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2007) |
McCullers | Carson | The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (17) |
McCullers | Carson | The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (52) |
McCullough | David | 1776 | Nonfiction - History |
McDermott | Alice | Charming Billy | National Book Award - Fiction (1998) |
McEwan | Ian | Amsterdam | Fiction-Booker Prize (1998) |
McEwan | Ian | On Chesil Beach | Fiction - Contemporary |
McKibben | Bill | Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age | Nonfiction - Sociology |
McMurtry | Larry | Lonesome Dove | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1986) |
McPherson | James Alan | Elbow Room | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1978) |
Melville | Herman (1819-1891) | Billy Budd | Western Canon (Adler) |
Melville | Herman (1819-1891) | Moby Dick | Western Canon (Adler) |
Meyer | Stephanie | The Host | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Michener | James A | Tales of the South. | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1948) |
Middleton | Stanley | Holiday | Fiction-Booker Prize (1974) |
Mill | John (1806-1873) | A System of Logic | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mill | John (1806-1873) | Autobiography | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mill | John (1806-1873) | On Liberty | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mill | John (1806-1873) | Representative Government | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mill | John (1806-1873) | The Subjection of Women | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mill | John (1806-1873) | Utilitarianism | Western Canon (Adler) |
Miller | Caroline | Lamb in His Bosom | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1934) |
Miller | Henry | Tropic Of Cancer | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (50) |
Miller | Henry | Tropic Of Cancer | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (68) |
Miller | Henry | Tropic of Cancer | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (92) |
Millhauser | Steven | Martin Dressler | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1997) |
Milne | AA | Winnie-the-Pooh | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (47) |
Milton | John (1608-1674) | Areopagitica | Western Canon (Adler) |
Milton | John (1608-1674) | Paradise Lost | Western Canon (Adler) |
Milton | John (1608-1674) | Samson Agonistes | Western Canon (Adler) |
Milton | John (1608-1674) | the minor poems | Western Canon (Adler) |
Mitchell | Margaret | Gone With The Wind | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (24) |
Mitchell | Margaret | Gone with the Wind | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (68) |
Mitchell | Margaret | Gone with the Wind | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1937) |
Molière | Molière xxxx1622-1673) | The Doctor in Spite of Himself | Western Canon (Adler) |
Molière | Molière xxxx1622-1673) | The Misanthrope | Western Canon (Adler) |
Molière | Molière xxxx1622-1673) | The Miser | Western Canon (Adler) |
Molière | Molière xxxx1622-1673) | The School for Wives | Western Canon (Adler) |
Momaday | N. Scott | House Made of Dawn | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1969) |
Montaigne | Michel (1533-1592) | Essays | Western Canon (Adler) |
Montesquieu | Charles (1689-1755) | Persian Letters | Western Canon (Adler) |
Montesquieu | Charles (1689-1755) | Spirit of Laws | Western Canon (Adler) |
Moorcock | Michael | Elric: The Stealer of Souls | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Moorcock | Michael | Starship Stormtroopers | Fiction - Science Fiction |
More | Sir Thomas(c.1478-1535) | Utopia | Western Canon (Adler) |
Morris | Wright | Plain Song | National Book Award - Fiction (1981) |
Morris | Wright | The Field of Vision | National Book Award - Fiction (1957) |
Morrison | Toni | Beloved | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (31) |
Morrison | Toni | Beloved | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1988) |
Morrison | Toni | Jazz | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (76) |
Morrison | Toni | Song of Solomon | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (28) |
Morrison | Toni | Beloved | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (31) |
Murdoch | Iris | The Sea, The Sea | Fiction-Booker Prize (1978) |
Murdoch | Iris | Under The Net | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (95) |
Murray | John | A Few Short Notes on Tropical Butterflies | Fiction - Short Stories |
Murray | Sabina | The Caprices | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2003) |
Nabokov | Vladimir | Lolita | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (4) |
Nabokov | Vladimir | Lolita | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (34) |
Nabokov | Vladimir | Pale Fire | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (53) |
Nabokov | Vladmir | Lolita | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (89) |
Nailpul | V. S. | In a Free State | Fiction-Booker Prize (1971) |
Naipaul | V.S. | A Bend In The River | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (83) |
Naipaul | V.S. | A House For Mr Biswas | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (72) |
Nevil | Shute | A Town Like Alice | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (17) |
Newby | P. H. | Something to Answer For | Fiction-Booker Prize (1969) |
Newton | Isaac (1642-1727) | Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Newton | Isaac (1642-1727) | Optics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Nicomachus of Gerasa | (fl.c. 100 A.D.) | Introduction to Arithmetic | Western Canon (Adler) |
Nietzsche | Friedrich (1844-1900) | Beyond Good and Evil | Western Canon (Adler) |
Nietzsche | Friedrich (1844-1900) | The Genealogy of Morals | Western Canon (Adler) |
Nietzsche | Friedrich (1844-1900) | The Will to Power | Western Canon (Adler) |
Nietzsche | Friedrich (1844-1900) | Thus Spoke Zarathustra | Western Canon (Adler) |
Ninh | Bao | The Sorrow of War | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Oates | Joyce Carol | Them | National Book Award - Fiction (1970) |
O'Brien | Flann | At Swim-Two-Birds | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (76) |
O'Brien | Tim | Going after Cacciato | National Book Award - Fiction (1979) |
O'Connor | Edwin | The Edge of Sadness | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1962) |
O'Connor | Flannery | The Complete Stories | National Book Award - Fiction (1972) |
O'Connor | Flannery | Wise Blood | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (38) |
O'Connor | Flannery | A Good Man is Hard to Find | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (56) |
O'Hara | John | Appointment In Samarra | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (22) |
O'Hara | John | Ten North Frederick | National Book Award - Fiction (1956) |
Okri | Ben | The Famished Road | Fiction-Booker Prize (1991) |
Olson | Toby | Seaview | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1983) |
Ondaatje | Michael | The English Patient | Fiction-Booker Prize (1992) |
Orwell | George | 1984 | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (13) |
Orwell | George | 1984 | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (6) |
Orwell | George | Animal Farm | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (31) |
Orwell | George | Animal Farm | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (20) |
Orwell | George | 1984 | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (79) |
Orwell | George | Animal Farm | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (80) |
Ovid | (43 B.C.-A.D. 17) | Metamorphoses | Western Canon (Adler) |
Palahniuk | Chuck | Rant | Fiction - Contemporary |
Park | Ed | Personal Days | Fiction - Contemporary |
Pascal | Blaise (1623-1662) | Pensees | Western Canon (Adler) |
Pascal | Blaise (1623-1662) | Scientific Treatises | Western Canon (Adler) |
Pascal | Blaise (1623-1662) | The Provincial Letters | Western Canon (Adler) |
Patchett | Ann | Bel Canto | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2002) |
Paul | Pamela | Parenting, Inc. | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Penelope | Fitzgerald | Offshore | Fiction-Booker Prize (1979) |
Percy | Walker | The Moviegoer | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (60) |
Percy | Walker | The Moviegoer | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (49) |
Percy | Walker | The Moviegoer | National Book Award - Fiction (1962) |
Peterkin | Julia M. | Scarlet Sister Mary | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1929) |
Pierre | DBC | Vernon God Little | Fiction-Booker Prize (2003) |
Pinker | Daniel J | A Whole New Mind | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Pinker | Steven | The Blank Slate | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Pirsig | Robert | Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (73) |
Planck | Max (1858-1947) | Origin and Development of the Quantum Theory | Western Canon (Adler) |
Planck | Max (1858-1947) | Scientific Autobiography | Western Canon (Adler) |
Planck | Max (1858-1947) | Where Is Science Going? | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Apology | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Gorgias | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Meno | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Phaedo | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Phaedrus | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Protagoras | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Sophist | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Symposium | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | The Republic | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plato | (c.427-347 B.C.) | Theaetetus | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plotinus | (205-270) | The Enneads | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plutarch | (c.45-120) | Moralia | Western Canon (Adler) |
Plutarch | (c.45-120) | Parallel Lives | Western Canon (Adler) |
Poincaré | Jules (1854-1912) | Science and Hypothesis | Western Canon (Adler) |
Poincaré | Jules (1854-1912) | Science and Method | Western Canon (Adler) |
Pollan | Michael | The Omnivore's Dilemma | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Poole | Ernest | His Family | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1918) |
Pope | Alexander (1688-1744) | Essay on Criticism | Western Canon (Adler) |
Pope | Alexander (1688-1744) | Essay on Man | Western Canon (Adler) |
Pope | Alexander (1688-1744) | Rape of the Lock | Western Canon (Adler) |
Porter | Katherine Anne | The Collected Stories | National Book Award - Fiction (1966) |
Porter | Katherine Anne | The Collected Stories | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1966) |
Powell | Anthony | A DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF TIME (Series) | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (43) |
Powers | J.F. | Morte D'Urban | National Book Award - Fiction (1963) |
Powers | Richard | The Echo Maker | National Book Award - Fiction (2006) |
Pratchett | Terry | Monstrous Regiment | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Proulx | E. Annie | Postcards | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1993) |
Proulx | E. Annie | The Shipping News | National Book Award - Fiction (1993) |
Proulx | E. Annie | The Shipping News | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1994) |
Proust | Marcel (1871-1922) | Remembrance of Things Past | Western Canon (Adler) |
Ptolemy | (c.100-170 | Almagest | Western Canon (Adler) |
Pynchon | Thomas | Gravity's Rainbow | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (21) |
Pynchon | Thomas | Gravity's Rainbow | National Book Award - Fiction (1974) |
Pynchon | Thomas | V. | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (85) |
Raab | Selwyn | Five Families | Nonfiction - History |
Rabelais | François (c.1495-1553) | Gargantua and Pantagruel | Western Canon (Adler) |
Racine | Jean (1639-1699) | Andromache | Western Canon (Adler) |
Racine | Jean (1639-1699) | Phaedra | Western Canon (Adler) |
Rand | Ayn | Anthem | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (7) |
Rand | Ayn | Atlas Shrugged | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (1) |
Rand | Ayn | The Fountainhead | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (2) |
Rand | Ayn | We The Living | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (8) |
Rand | Ayn | Atlas Shrugged | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (36) |
Rand | Ayn | The Fountainhead | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (2) |
Ravitch | Diane | The Language Police | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Rawlings | Marjorie Kinnan | The Yearling | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1939) |
Rhys | Jean | Wide Sargasso Sea | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (94) |
Rhys | Jean | The Wide Sargasso Sea | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (17) |
Richter | Conrad | The Town | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1951) |
Richter | Conrad | The Waters of Kronos | National Book Award - Fiction (1961) |
Ro | Ronin | Tales To Astonish | Nonfiction - History |
Robinson | Marilynne | Gilead | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2005) |
Roth | Philip | American Pastoral | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1998) |
Roth | Philip | Everyman | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2007) |
Roth | Philip | Goodbye, Columbus | National Book Award - Fiction (1960) |
Roth | Philip | Operation Shylock | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1994) |
Roth | Philip | Portnoy's Complaint | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (52) |
Roth | Philip | Sabbath's Theater | National Book Award - Fiction (1995) |
Roth | Philip | The Human Stain | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2001) |
Roth | Phillip | The Plot Against America | Fiction - Contemporary |
Rousseau | Jean (1712-1778) | Emile | Western Canon (Adler) |
Rousseau | Jean (1712-1778) | On the Origin of Inequality | Western Canon (Adler) |
Rousseau | Jean (1712-1778) | On the Political Economy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Rousseau | Jean (1712-1778) | The Social Contract | Western Canon (Adler) |
Roy | Arundhati | The God of Small Things | Fiction-Booker Prize (1997) |
Rubens | Bernice | The Elected Member | Fiction-Booker Prize (1970) |
Rush | Norman | Mating | National Book Award - Fiction (1991) |
Rushdie | Salman | Midnight's Children | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (90) |
Rushdie | Salman | Midnight's Children | Fiction-Booker Prize (1981) |
Rushdie | Salman | The Satanic Verses | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (100) |
Rushdie | Salman | Satanic Verses | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (45) |
Rushdie | Salman | Midnight's Children | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (35) |
Russell | Bertrand (1872-1970) | An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth | Western Canon (Adler) |
Russell | Bertrand (1872-1970) | Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits | Western Canon (Adler) |
Russell | Bertrand (1872-1970) | The Analysis of Mind | Western Canon (Adler) |
Russell | Bertrand (1872-1970) | The Problems of Philosophy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Russo | Richard | Empire Falls | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (2002) |
Salamon | Judy | Hospital | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Salinger | J.D. | The Catcher In The Rye | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (64) |
Salinger | J.D. | The Catcher In The Rye | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (19) |
Salinger | J.D. | Franny and Zooey | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (39) |
Salinger | J.D. | The Catcher in the Rye | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (59) |
Salter | James | Dusk . . . | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1989) |
Santayana | George (1863-1952) | Persons and Places | Western Canon (Adler) |
Santayana | George (1863-1952) | Skepticism and Animal Faith | Western Canon (Adler) |
Santayana | George (1863-1952) | The Life of Reason | Western Canon (Adler) |
Sartre | Jean (1905- ) | Being and Nothingness | Western Canon (Adler) |
Sartre | Jean (1905- ) | Nausea | Western Canon (Adler) |
Sartre | Jean (1905- ) | No Exit | Western Canon (Adler) |
Schaefer | Jack | Shane | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (26) |
Schlosser | Eric | Reefer Madness: Sex,Drugs and Cheap Labor | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Schopenhauer | Arthur (1788-1860) | Studies in Pessimism | Western Canon (Adler) |
Schultz | Eric B | King Phillip's War | Nonfiction - History |
Scott | Paul | Staying On | Fiction-Booker Prize (1977) |
Scott | Robert F | The Voyage of the Discovery | Nonfiction - History |
Settle | Mary Lee | Blood Tie | National Book Award - Fiction (1978) |
Settle | Mary Lee | I, Roger Williams | Fiction - Historical |
Shaara | Michael | The Killer Angels | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1975) |
Shakespeare | William (1564-1616) | Works | Western Canon (Adler) |
Shaw | George (1856-1950) | Caesar and Cleopatra | Western Canon (Adler) |
Shaw | George (1856-1950) | Major Barbara | Western Canon (Adler) |
Shaw | George (1856-1950) | Man and Superman | Western Canon (Adler) |
Shaw | George (1856-1950) | Pygmalion | Western Canon (Adler) |
Shaw | George (1856-1950) | Saint Joan | Western Canon (Adler) |
Shields | Carol | The Stone Diaries | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1995) |
Shute | Nevil | On The Beach | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (56) |
Shute | Nevil | Trustee From The Toolroom | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (27) |
Silver | Marisa | The God of War | Fiction - Contemporary |
Sinclair | Upton | Dragon's Teeth | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1943) |
Sinclair | Upton | The Jungle | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (16) |
Singer | Isaac Bashevis | A Crown of Feathers . . . | National Book Award - Fiction (1974) |
Sittenfeld | Curtis | American Wife | Fiction - Contemporary |
Smiley | Jane | A Thousand Acres | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1992) |
Smith | Adam (1723-1790) | Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations | Western Canon (Adler) |
Smith | Adam (1723-1790) | The Theory of Moral Sentiments | Western Canon (Adler) |
Smith | Janna | A Potent Spell | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Smith | Zadie | On Beauty | Fiction - Contemporary |
Solzhenitsyn | Aleksandr (1918- ) | The Cancer Ward | Western Canon (Adler) |
Solzhenitsyn | Aleksandr (1918- ) | The First Circle | Western Canon (Adler) |
Sontag | Susan | In America | National Book Award - Fiction (2000) |
Sophocles | (c.495-406 B.C.) | Tragedies | Western Canon (Adler) |
Spark | Muriel | The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (76) |
Spenser | Edmund (c.1552-1599) | Prothalamion | Western Canon (Adler) |
Spenser | Edmund (c.1552-1599) | The Faërie Queene | Western Canon (Adler) |
Spillane | Mickey | One Lonely Night | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (46) |
Spinoza | Benedict (1632-1677) | Ethics | Western Canon (Adler) |
St. Augustine | (354-430) | City of God | Western Canon (Adler) |
St. Augustine | (354-430) | Confessions | Western Canon (Adler) |
St. Augustine | (354-430) | On Christian Doctrine | Western Canon (Adler) |
St. Augustine | (354-430) | On the Teacher | Western Canon (Adler) |
Stafford | Jean | Collected Stories | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1970) |
Stegner | Wallace | Angle Of Repose | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (82) |
Stegner | Wallace | Angle of Repose | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1972) |
Stegner | Wallace | The Spectator Bird | National Book Award - Fiction (1977) |
Stein | Gertrude | The Autobiography of Alice B. Tokias | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (82) |
Steinbeck | John | The Grapes Of Wrath | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (10) |
Steinbeck | John | The Grapes Of Wrath | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (22) |
Steinbeck | John | The Grapes of Wrath | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1940) |
Steinbeck | John | Of Mice and Men | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (60) |
Steinbeck | John | The Grapes of Wrath | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (10) |
Stendhal | Stendhal xxxx1783-1842) | On Love | Western Canon (Adler) |
Stendhal | Stendhal xxxx1783-1842) | The Charterhouse of Parma | Western Canon (Adler) |
Stendhal | Stendhal xxxx1783-1842) | The Red and the Black | Western Canon (Adler) |
Sterne | Laurence (1713-1768) | A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Sterne | Laurence (1713-1768) | Tristram Shandy | Western Canon (Adler) |
Stewart | David O | The Summer of 1787 | Nonfiction - History |
Stone | Robert | Dog Soldiers | National Book Award - Fiction (1975) |
Storey | David | Saville | Fiction-Booker Prize (1976) |
Stribling | T. S. | The Store | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1933) |
Styron | William | Sophie's Choice | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (96) |
Styron | William | Sophie's Choice | National Book Award - Fiction (1980) |
Styron | William | The Confessions of Nat Turner | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1968) |
Styron | William | Sophie's Choice | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (41) |
Surowiecki | James | The Wisdom of Crowds | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Swann | Maxine | Flower Children | Fiction - Contemporary |
Swift | Graham | Last Orders | Fiction-Booker Prize (1996) |
Swift | Jonathan (1667-1745) | A Modest Proposal | Western Canon (Adler) |
Swift | Jonathan (1667-1745) | A Tale of a Tub | Western Canon (Adler) |
Swift | Jonathan (1667-1745) | Gulliver's Travels | Western Canon (Adler) |
Swift | Jonathan (1667-1745) | Journal to Stella | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tacitus | (c.55-117) | Agricola | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tacitus | (c.55-117) | Annals | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tacitus | (c.55-117) | Germania | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tacitus | (c.55-117) | Histories | Western Canon (Adler) |
Talbot | David | Brothers | Nonfiction - History |
Tarkington | Booth | Alice Adams | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1922) |
Tarkington | Booth | The Magnificent Ambersons | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (100) |
Tarkington | Booth | The Magnificent Ambersons | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1919) |
Taylor | Peter | A Summons to Memphis | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1987) |
Taylor | Peter | The Old Forest . . . | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1986) |
Taylor | Robert Lewis | The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1959) |
Tennant | Christopher | Official Filthy Rich Handbook | Nonfiction - Sociology |
Thoreau | Henry (1817-1862) | Civil Disobedience | Western Canon (Adler) |
Thoreau | Henry (1817-1862) | Walden | Western Canon (Adler) |
Thucydides | (c.460-400 B.C.) | History of the Peloponnesian War | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tocqueville | Alexis (1805-1859) | Democracy in America | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tolkien | J.R.R. | The Lord Of The Rings | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (4) |
Tolkien | J.R.R. | The Lord of the Rings | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (64) |
Tolstoy | Leo (1828-1910) | Anna Karenina | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tolstoy | Leo (1828-1910) | Twenty-Three Tales | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tolstoy | Leo (1828-1910) | War and Peace | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tolstoy | Leo (1828-1910) | What is Art? | Western Canon (Adler) |
Toole | John Kennedy | A Confederacy of Dunces | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1981) |
Toynbee | Arnold (1889- ) | A Study of History | Western Canon (Adler) |
Toynbee | Arnold (1889- ) | Civilization on Trial | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tuck | Lily | The News from Paraguay | National Book Award - Fiction (2004) |
Twain | Mark (1835-1910) | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Western Canon (Adler) |
Twain | Mark (1835-1910) | The Mysterious Stranger | Western Canon (Adler) |
Tyler | Anne | Breathing Lessons | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1989) |
Unknown | (12th century?) | The Song of Roland | Western Canon (Adler) |
Unknown | (13th century?) | The Nibelungenlied | Western Canon (Adler) |
Unknown | (13th century?) | The Saga of Burnt Njal | Western Canon (Adler) |
Unknown | Unknown | The New Testament | Western Canon (Adler) |
Unknown | | The Old Testament | Western Canon (Adler) |
Unsworth | Barry | Sacred Hunger | Fiction-Booker Prize (1992) |
Updike | John | Rabbit at Rest | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1991) |
Updike | John | Rabbit is Rich | National Book Award - Fiction (1982) |
Updike | John | Rabbit is Rich | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1982) |
Updike | John | The Centaur | National Book Award - Fiction (1964) |
Updike | John | The Early Stories | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (2004) |
Updike | John | Rabbit Run | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (72) |
Virgil | (70-19 B.C.) | Works | Western Canon (Adler) |
Vollmann | William | Europe Central | National Book Award - Fiction (2005) |
Voltaire | Voltaire (1694-1778) | Candide | Western Canon (Adler) |
Voltaire | Voltaire (1694-1778) | Letters on the English | Western Canon (Adler) |
Voltaire | Voltaire (1694-1778) | Philosophical Dictionary | Western Canon (Adler) |
von Clausewitz | Karl (1780-1831) | On War | Western Canon (Adler) |
Vonnegut | Kurt | Slaughterhouse Five | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (23) |
Vonnegut | Kurt | Slaughterhouse-Five | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (18) |
Vonnegut | Kurt | Cat's Cradle | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (71) |
Vonnegut | Kurt | Slaughterhouse Five | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (50) |
Wade | Nicholas | Before the Dawn | Nonfiction - Anthropology |
Walker | Alice | The Color Purple | National Book Award - Fiction (1983) |
Walker | Alice | The Color Purple | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1983) |
Walker | Alice | The Color Purple | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (33) |
Warren | Robert Penn | All The King's Men | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (36) |
Warren | Robert Penn | All the King's Men | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1947) |
Warren | Robert Penn | All the King's Men | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (44) |
Waugh | Evelyn | A Handful Of Dust | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (34) |
Waugh | Evelyn | Brideshead Revisited | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (80) |
Waugh | Evelyn | Brideshead Revisited | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (88) |
Waugh | Evelyn | Scoop | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (75) |
Waugh | Evelyn | Brideshead Revisited | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (46) |
Wells | HG | The War of the Worlds | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (14) |
Welty | Eudora | The Collected Stories | National Book Award - Fiction (1983) |
Welty | Eudora | The Optimist's Daughter | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1973) |
Werner | Mark | Army Fatigues: Joining Israel's Army of International Volunteers | Nonfiction - Sociology |
West | Nathanael | The Day Of The Locust | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (73) |
Westerfield | Scott | The Risen Empire:Book One | Fiction - Science Fiction |
Wharton | Edith | The Age Of Innocence | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (58) |
Wharton | Edith | The Age of Innocence | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1921) |
Wharton | Edith | The House Of Mirth | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (69) |
Wharton | Edith | Ethan Frome | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (4) |
Wharton | Edith | The Age of Innocence | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (70) |
White | E.B. | Charlotte's Web | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (32) |
Whitehead | Alfred (1861-1947) | Adventures of Ideas | Western Canon (Adler) |
Whitehead | Alfred (1861-1947) | An Introduction to Mathematics | Western Canon (Adler) |
Whitehead | Alfred (1861-1947) | Science and the Modern World | Western Canon (Adler) |
Whitehead | Alfred (1861-1947) | The Aims of Education and Other Essays | Western Canon (Adler) |
Wideman | John Edgar | Philadelphia Fire | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1991) |
Wideman | John Edgar | Sent for You Yesterday | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1984) |
Wilder | Thornton | Bridge of San Luis Rey | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1928) |
Wilder | Thornton | The Bridge Of San Luis Rey | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (37) |
Wilder | Thornton | The Eighth Day | National Book Award - Fiction (1968) |
Wiley | Richard | Soldiers in Hiding | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1987) |
Williams | John | Augustus | National Book Award - Fiction (1973) |
Williams | Thomas | The Hair of Harold Roux | National Book Award - Fiction (1975) |
Wilson | Margaret | The Able McLaughlins | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1924) |
Windling | Terri | The Wood Wife | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (70) |
Winfield | Jess | My Name is Will | Fiction - Contemporary |
Winton | Tim | Breath | Fiction – Contemporary |
Wolfe | Thomas | Bonfire of the Vanities | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (52) |
Wolfe | Thomas | Look Homeward Angel | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (29) |
Wolff | Tobias | The Barracks Thief | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1985) |
Woolf | Virginia | To The Lighthouse | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (15) |
Woolf | Virginia | To The Lighthouse | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Reader's List) (48) |
Woolf | Virginia | Mrs. Dalloway | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (85) |
Woolf | Virginia | Orlando | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (58) |
Woolf | Virginia | To the Lighthouse | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (54) |
Wordsworth | William (1770-1850) | Lucy poems | Western Canon (Adler) |
Wordsworth | William (1770-1850) | Lyrical Ballads | Western Canon (Adler) |
Wordsworth | William (1770-1850) | sonnets | Western Canon (Adler) |
Wordsworth | William (1770-1850) | The Prelude | Western Canon (Adler) |
Wouk | Herman | The Caine Mutiny | Pulitzer Prize - Fiction/Novel (1952) |
Wright | Richard | Native Son | Modern Library 100 Best Novels (Board's List) (20) |
Wright | Richard | Native Son | Radcliffe Publishing Course 100 Best Novels (20) |
Zabor | Rafi | The Bear Comes Home | Fiction-PEN/Faulkner Award (1998) |
Zeman | David | Consciousness: A User's Guide | Nonfiction - Psychology |
Zielinski | Gregory | New England Weather, New England Climate | Nonfiction - Science |