Wound Care Product Selection Guide

Dry Necrotic


SmallHydrocolloid dressing
Large or deepHydrogel covered with semipermeable adhesive film or perforated plastic film dressing
Moist Sloughy

(Yellow Fibrinous)

Deep or underminedrecommendation




Absorptive dressings
These dressings are designed to be either primary or secondary dressings to absorb mild, moderate or heavy drainage from wounds.
Usual dressing change is once per day for a dressing without adhesive border and up to every other day for a dressing with an adhesive border
Absorptive Border DermaRite
Aquacel HydrofiberBio Med Sciences
CombiDERM ConvaTec
EXU-DRYSmith & Nephew
Medipore 3M
Mepore Molnlycke Health Care
Primapore Smith & Nephew
Silon Dual-Dress 04P Multi-Function Wound Dressing Bio Med Sciences
Silon Dual-Dress 20F Multi-Function Wound Dressing Bio Med Sciences
TIELLE Johnson & Johnson
Alginate dressings
Alginates are made of soft non-woven fibers derived from seaweed. They are usually in the forms of pads, ropes or ribbons. Alginates absorb wound exudate and form a gel-like covering over the wound, maintaining a moist wound environment. Most alginates absorb many times their own weight. The dry dressing, however, is extremely lightweight.
Best use: Wounds with moderate to heavy exudate

Advantages: Especially useful for packing exudating wounds

They do not physically inhibit wound contraction as would gauze

Highly absorbent

Disadvantages:Requires a secondary dressing

Can be too drying if wound has a low volume of exudate

AlgiCell Dumex Medical
AlgiDERM Bard
Algidex (various presentations) DeRoyal
AlgiSite M Smith & Nephew, Inc
Askina Sorg Swiss-American
CarraGinate with Acemannan gel Carrington
CarraSorb HCarrington
CURASORBKendall / Tyco
CURASORB Zinc Kendall / Tyco
Dermacea Sherwood - Davis & Geck
DermaGinate AG DermaRite
FyBron B. Braun
Gentell Gentell
Hyperion Advanced Alginate Dressing Hyperion Medical, Inc.
KALTOSTAT (various presentations)ConvaTec
Maxorb Medline
Melgisorb Molnlycke Health Care
PolyMem Ferris Mfg.
Restore CalciCare Hollister
SeaSorb Coloplast Corp.
SILVERCELL Johnson & Johnson
Sorbalgon Harmann-Conco Inc.
SORBSAN Mylan Bertek
Tegagen HG3M Health Care
Tegagen HI 3M Health Care
Antimicrobials (topical)
3M Tegaderm Ag Mesh 3M
Acticoat 3Smith & Nephew
Acticoat 7Smith & Nephew
Acticoat Moisture ControlSmith & Nephew
Actisorb Johnson & Johnson
Algidex DeRoyal
Amerigel (various presentations) Amerx Health Care Corp.
Anasept Anacapa
Aquacel Ag ConvaTec
Arglase (various presentations)Medline
ColActive Ag Hartmann-Conco Inc.
Contreet (various presentations) Coloplast Corp.
Curity AMDKendall / Tyco
Di-Dak-Sol Century Pharmaceuticals
Excilon AMDKendall / Tyco
Hydrofera Blue Hydrofera Inc.
IODOFLEXSmith & Nephew
IODOSORB Smith & Nephew
Kerlix AMDKendall / Tyco
Maxorb Extra AgMedline
Optifoam AGMedline
SelectSilver Milliken Company
SilvaSorb (various presentations)Medline
Silver Seal X-Static / Noble Biomaterials
SilverDerm7 DermaRite
Silverlon Argentum Medical LLC
TELFA AMD Kendall / Tyco
XCell AM Medline
These solutions may contain a variety of ingredients, ranging from surfactants to preservatives.
3M Cavilon 3M
Clean 'N MoistDarja Laboratories Inc.
Clinical CareCare-Tech
Constant-Clens Kendall
DEBRISAN Johnson & Johnson
Dermagran Derma Sciences
DermaKlenz DermaRite
Elta Dermal Swiss-American Products
Hyperion Wound Cleanser Hyperion Medical, Inc.
MPM Antimicrobial MPM
Optipore SpongeConvaTec
Repair Wound Cleanser Darja Laboratories Inc.
Restore Hollister
Sea-Clens Care-Tech
Shur-Clens ConvaTec
Skin Tegrity Medline
Techni-Care Care-Tech
Wound Wash Saline Blairex Labs
Closure devices
S.T.A.R. DeviceWoundTek, Inc.
DP Woundcare Dressing DP Wound Care
Dermabond JnJ / Ethicon
DermaClose RC Woundcare Technologies
Collagen is a natural biomaterial that has unique properties and has been used for health care since the ancient Egyptian civilization.. It is the most abundant protein found in the body. There are 13 different types of collagen. Types 1, 3 and 5 are specific for skin. Chains of amino acids make up collagen. These chains form collagen molecules which in turn, from fibrils. These fibrils produce fibers. Bundled fibers lead to body tissue formation.Distribution and orientation of collagen reflects the function of the tissue in which it is found. For example, it is collagen that transmits tension in tendon, lends structural support in skin and bone and limits expansion in arteries. Collagen plays an integral part during each phase of wound healing and is an excellent hemostatic agent. It absorbs 40 - 60 times its weight in fluid. The most abundant and well characterized collagen is type 1 extracted from bovine (cow) hide. Other sources include porcine (pig), chicken tendon, bovine tendon, etc. When applied to a wound, collagen initially acts as a hemostatic agent. Continued application seems to aid and hasten the body's own repair mechanisms.
BGC Matrix Brennen
BiostepSmith & Nephew
Biostep Ag Smith & Nephew
CellerateRx Wound Care Innovations
ColActive Ag Hartmann-Conco, Inc.
Collagen/AG DermaRite
FIBRACOL plus CollagenJohnson & Johnson
hyCUREThe Hymed Group
hyCURE Smart Gel The Hymed Group
Primatrix TEI Biosciences
PrismaJohnson & Johnson
Promogran Prisma Johnson & Johnson
Skin Temp BioCore
Stimulen Southwest
WOUN'DRESS Coloplast Sween
Compression Dressing & Wraps (Leg)
These products vary in the amount of stretch and elasticity they provide, both intrinsically and extrinsically. The manner of application also plays an important role. Correct application is vital for product effectiveness. Contact the product manufacturer for the indications, contraindications and application instructions for each product.
3M Coban 2 layer 3M
4-Layer Compression Hartmann-Conco
ArtAssist ACI Medical
DYNA-FLEX Johnson & Johnson
Gelocast Unna BootBSN
PrimerGlenwood, Inc.
ProforeSmith & Nephew
Profore LFSmith & Nephew
Profore Lite Smith & Nephew
Tricofix BSN
Unna-Pak Glenwood, Inc.
Composite Dressings
Products which combine physically distinct components into a single dressing.
AIRSTRIPSmith & Nephew
AlldressMolnlycke Health Care
Centurion SorbaView Tri-State Hospital Supply
Coverlet BSN
CoverletSmith & Nephew
CovRSite PlusSmith & Nephew
CutifilmSmith & Nephew
Mepore Pro Molnlycke Health Care
OpSite PlusSmith & Nephew
OpSite Post-Op Smith & Nephew
Silon Dual-Dress 04P Multi-Function Wound Dressing &Bio Med Sciences
Silon Dual-Dress 20F Multi-Function Wound Dressing Bio Med Sciences
StrataSorb Medline
Tegaderm Transparent Dressing with Absorbent Pad 3M
VENTEX Kendall
Viasorb Sherwood-Davis & Geck
Contact Layer
Contact Layers are thin, non-adherent sheets placed directly on an open wound bed to protect the wound tissue from direct contact with other agents or dressings applied to the wound. They are porous to allow wound fluid to pass through for absorption by an overlying dressing.
Tegapore 3M
Silon-TSR Temporary Skin Replacement Bio Med Sciences
Mepitel Molnlycke Health Care
Profore Wound Contact Layer Smith & Nephew
N-TERFACE Winfield Laboratories
Enzymatic Debriders
    • Enzymatic debriding agents act on any one or all of these materials: collagen, protein, fibrin, elastin and / or nucleoproteins. Check with each product as to its method of action.
    • Some enzymatic debriders are selective for necrotic tissue while some are not.
    • By loosening the necrotic debris, surgical debridement may be avoided.
    • Tunneling ulcers are particularly suitable for these products as they remove debris which may be difficult to visualize and / or reach.
Ethezyme Papain-Urea Debriding Ointment Ethex
Kovia OintmentStratus Pharmaceutical
Ziox Ointment Stratus Pharmaceutical
Gladase Smith & Nephew
Hydrocolloid Dressings
Hydrocolloids are occlusive and self-adhesive wafer dressings, generally based upon carboxymethylcellulose, which combine absorbent colloidal materials with adhesive elastomers applied to a carrier such as a thin polyurethane film or foam sheet to manage light to moderate amounts of wound exudate. In their intact state hydrocolloids are virtually impermeable to water vapour and therefore retain moisture. Most hydrocolloids react with wound exudate to form a gel-like covering which protects the wound bed, maintains a moist wound environment, facilitates rehydration and and promotes autolytic debridement of devitalised tissue. Depending upon the size and depth of the wound this process may take anything from a few days to several weeks to complete. Hydrocolloid powders and pastes are also available with increased absorptive capacity
Best Uses: Granulating and epithelializing wounds that are draining low to moderate amounts of exudate. Hydrocolloid sheets help promote autolytic debridement by keeping wound exudate in contact with necrotic tissue (slough & eschar)

Advantages: Conformable for easy application and help reduce pain at the wound site

Disadvantages:Moderate to heavily exudating wounds may overwhelm the hydrocolloid dressing, usually within a few days. Break down of the product may produce a residue of varying colors and possible foul odor. This should not be confused with an infectious process.

Method of Use:A suitably sized dressing is selected, applied over the necrotic area and left in place for 3-5 days. It is then removed and the wound examined. This process may be repeated as often as required until debridement is complete.

BGC Matrix Brennen
Comfeel (multiple presentations) Coloplast
Cutinova HydroSmith & Nephew
Cutinova ThinSmith & Nephew
DermaFilm HDDermaRite
DermaFilm Thin DermaRite
DuoDERM (multiple presentations)ConvaTec
ExuDERM (multiple presentations) Medline
Hydrocol Bertek (Dow Hickam)
NU-DERM Johnson & Johnson
RepliCare (multiple presentations)Smith & Nephew
Restore (multiple presentations) Hollister
SignaDRESS Sterile ConvaTec
Tegasorb THIN 3M
Ultec Kendall
  • Characteristics & Functions
    • Hydrogels consists of insoluble polymers with hydrophilic sites which interact with aqueous solutions absorbing and retaining significant volumes of water.
    • When applied to necrotic tissue, water is transferred directly from the gel to the tissue and thus facilitates rehydration and autolysis.
    • Wound gels are excellent for helping to create or maintain a moist environment.
    • Some hydrogels provide absorption, desloughing and debriding capacities to necrotic and fibrotic tissue.
    • Hydrogel sheets are cross-linked polymer gels in sheet form. Some are available with an adhesive border
  • Best Uses
    • Helps provide and maintain a moist wound environment.
    • By increasing moisture content, hydrogels have the ability to help cleans and debride necrotic tissue.
    • For wounds with minimal or no exudate.
    • Hydrogels are particularly useful for cavity wounds, particularly where a degree of undermining is present, and in other situations where the use of hydrocolloid sheets would be inappropriate.
  • Advantages
    • Effective in hydrating wound surfaces and liquefying necrotic tissue on the wound surface.
    • Non-adherent and can be removed without trauma to the wound bed.
    • "Soothing" effect promotes patient acceptance
  • Disadvantages
    • Not too absorptive, therefore, hydrogels or hydrogel sheets may not be an appropriate choice for moderate to highly exudating wounds.
    • Require secondary dressings.
  • Method of use
    • A generous layer of gel is applied to the surface of the wound and covered with a Perforated Plastic Film dressing.
    • If the wound is very dry a more occlusive covering may be used to reduce water vapour loss and prevent the gel from drying out.
    • A semipermeable adhesive film may be used for this purpose.
    • On very dry wounds it is usual to change the dressing at least once per day.
Amerigel Topical Ointment Amerx Health Care
Bard Absorption DressingBard Medical
BiolexBard Medical
CarraSorbCarrington Laboratories
CarrasynCarrington Laboratories
Dermagran Derma Sciences, Inc.
DermaSyn DermaRite
DIAB GEL Carrington Laboratories
Elta Dermal Swiss-American Products, Inc.
HypergelMolnlycke Health Care
Iamin Bard Medical
Iamin ProCyte
IntraSiteSmith & Nephew
MPM MPM Medical, Inc.
Normlgel Molnlycke Health Care
NU-GEL Johnson & Johnson
PanoPlex Sage Laboratories
Purilon Coloplast
Repair Hydrogel Darja Laboratories Inc.
Restore Hollister Inc.
SAF-Gel ConvaTec
SkinTegrity Medline
SoloSite Smith & Nephew
Tegagel 3M
Perforated Films
These dressings are designed to combine a degree of absorbence with low-adherence for the management of lightly exuding superficial wounds.
    • They consist of an absorbent fibrous fleece covered with a plastic film containing a series of small holes arranged in a uniform pattern.
    • The plastic film is intended to prevent the dressing adhering to the surface of the wound and the holes are present to allow the passage of exudate through to the absorbent layer.
    • Perforated film absorbent dressings are widely used in the treatment of superficial wounds and are frequently applied in combination with hydrogels or alginates.
    • The ability of these dressings to absorb exudate is limited, and for heavily exuding wounds they are sometimes covered with a second absorbent pad. In these situations the absorbency of the dressing is less important than its low-adherent properties.
Transparent Films
  • Characteristics & Functions
    • Transparent adhesive films are typically semi-permeable membrane dressings made from a thin sheet of polyurethane coated with a layer of acrylic adhesive.
    • They are waterproof yet permeable to oxygen and water vapor.
    • They help prevent bacterial contamination and maceration.
    • They help maintain a moist wound environment, facilitate cellular migration and promote autolysis of necrotic tissue by trapping moisture at the wound surface
    • Some of the newer films are designed to keep IV sites dry. These films have a higer Moisture Vapor Permeability (MVP) and should not be used for wounds.
  • Best use
    • Superficial wounds
    • Wounds with light exudate
    • Wounds on elbows, heels, flat surfaces
    • Covering blisters
    • Retention of primary dressing
  • Advantages
    • Transparent films permit evaluation of wound progress without removal of the product
    • They are usually waterproof and gas permeable
    • They help maintain a moist wound environment
    • They are economical
  • Disadvantages
    • As an adhesive, transparent films have the potential of causing skin tears if removed improperly
    • They are non-absorptive and will be overwhelmed by moderately exudating wounds
    • They tend to roll up in high friction areas such as the coccyx
    • Some of the newer films are intended for IV sites, and may dry out a wound bed instead of maintaining a moist state
  • Method of use
    • A suitably sized dressing is selected, the backing removed and the polyurethane film applied over the wound, taking care not to apply it under tension which could cause damage to the surrounding skin.
BIOCLUSIVE Johnson & Johnson
BIOCLUSIVE MVPJohnson & Johnson
CarraFilm Carrington
DermaView DermaRite
Mefilm Molnlycke Health Care
OpSiteSmith & Nephew
OpSite FLEXIGRIDSmith & Nephew
ProCyte ProCyte
Silon-TSR Temporary Skin Replacement Bio Med Sciences
SureSite Medline
Tegaderm 3M
Tegaderm HP3M
UniFlex Smith & Nephew
Wound Fillers
AcryDerm Strands AcryMed
DermAssist AssisTec
Cutinova Cavity Beiersdorf-Jobst
Humatrix Microclysmic Gel Care-Tech
Mesalt Molnlycke Health Care
PolyWic Ferris Mfg.

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